Domain validation:
Certificates with domain validation include only your domain name in the certificate, omitting your business or organization name. These certificates are cost-effective and typically issued swiftly, as the Certificate Authority validates your domain by examining WHOIS information. However, they offer less assurance to customers.
Full business validation:
Business validation certificates involve the Certificate Authority verifying your domain ownership and business registration information, requiring the submission of relevant documents. Both pieces of information are then featured on the certificate. Due to the manual validation of your business, these certificates may take anywhere from an hour to a few days to be issued, providing higher assurance to users.
Extended Validation:
EV certificates aim to thwart phishing attacks and provide the utmost assurance to customers. They necessitate extensive validation of your business and authorization for certificate issuance, requiring document submissions. Issuing an EV certificate for a domain may take a few days to weeks, but it delivers maximum assurance to customers by displaying verified company details from government and independent authorities in the certificate details, visible in the address bar and on the site seal.